My recent decision to try and get a little healthier and more physically fit prompted this thought. It took me a few years to get into the shape I am in now. Bad eating habits, no exercise habit and other faulty choices got me to where I am today. There are no health issues that prompted this change, just a desire to change the course I was on, a course that would undoubtedly lead to health issues sometime in the near future.
One of the pitfalls of making a major change is the desire to undo years of neglect within a matter of a few weeks or months. In fact, sometimes we don't even try to make changes in our habits or lifestyle because the mountain that our issue has become seems too high to overcome. We stay overweight because we believe that we can never lose all the table muscle we have accumulated over the years. We stay in the sea of debt because our bills have ballooned into a seemingly insurmountable balance. We stay in a job we hate because our mindset is so polluted with negativity that we think we can't do anything about it. Our marriages suffer because the problems seem much too big to keep us out of divorce court.
The reality is however, that if you can make up in your mind that you want change, you can definitely change. It is as simple as taking one small step away from where you are, into the direction you want to go and then repeating the process. Drink one less soda, or take a five minute walk to kick start your weight loss program. Have one less Starbucks per week, or pack a lunch for work one day a week and put that money towards your debt. Fix up your resume or start investigating how to start that small business you keep dreaming about. Avoid another argument by overlooking something that seems significant (but in reality is not a big deal) that your spouse does.
All of these steps seem insignificant, but if you take just that one step, you will be one step further away from the drama and mess that you are in, and one step closer to where it is you want or need to be. It is really that easy, and honestly that hard. Lao Tzu said that "The journey of a thousand miles begins with ONE step." The choice is yours, stay where you are and wonder how everyone else got to where they are in life, or just take one small step towards your new future!
Thanks for reading! Here is an inspiring story about a kid who now lives in Fresno, but walked 1600 to get to a better future!