Thursday, February 6, 2014

The Lunch Opportunity Of A Lifetime!


I recently participated in a contest for the chance to have lunch with David and Derek Carr.  If you don't know who they are, David was the star quarterback at Fresno State in 2000 and 2001.  He was the number one pick in the 2002 NFL Draft and played several years in the NFL with Houston and the New York Giants.  Derek just finished his career as a quarterback at Fresno State, broke just about every possible school record and is expected to be high round draft choice in the 2014 NFL draft.

Both brothers feel a strong connection to the Fresno community and decided to have a contest where people would tweet their favorite David and Derek Carr moments for a chance to win lunch with them.  I Tweeted, “#BulldogLunch Fav moment @DCarr8 W @ Camp Randall against Wisconsin. @derekcarrqb making my sons day with this pic!"  I was referring to the time I convinced my wife to go visit her family in Wisconsin, fully aware of the fact that Fresno State would be playing a game there!  David Carr was the quarterback at the time, Fresno State won that game in spectacular fashion and we were there to see it!  The second part of my tweet referred to Ethan and I running into Derek Carr at the hotel in Las Vegas last December.  Derek was kind enough to stop and make Ethan's day by posing for a picture with him.  Well, my tweet won!!!

First of all, winning a contest to get a phone call would have been cool, but this was a private lunch!  I was extremely excited because although these two brothers have reached "celebrity status", from a distance they seemed like very normal and down to earth guys.  They seem like they have their priorities straight and really try to live a good clean life.  It is obvious that our shared faith in God has a lot to do with how they conduct themselves.  I have admired them for how they conduct themselves and am grateful, that in a world full of celebrities going wild, there are still a few guys around who my kids can emulate.

I will not share all the details, but simply put, lunch was fantastic.  I don't know if Derek remembered us from the hotel, but he sure made it seem that way when he arrived and greeted us.  I had never met David before, so we had a few minutes to reminisce about the Wisconsin game.  We spent about an hour and a half having lunch, talking, laughing, sharing stories, taking pictures and of course getting a few items signed.  These guys were so friendly, down to earth and laid back, that a casual observer may have thought that some old buddies had gathered to have lunch and would have never guessed that we didn't really know each other. 

Derek and David helped remind me of a few things during this lunch.  I was reminded the importance of surrounding yourself with good people.  From the moment we arrived, their representative Carla was gracious and accommodating.  She even brought Adriana and Austin to the main table so they could be there with Ethan and I.   I was reminded to never forget where you came from and that returning to invest in that place is important.  I was reminded that no matter what heights God allows us to climb to in life, hanging out with other people will inevitably remind us how blessed we are.  I was reminded that no matter how busy we get (and Lord knows they are both extremely busy right now) we should take time out to "serve" other people.  Trust me; the impact is even greater when you don't know them! 

So, to David and Derek Carr, Carla Cossy, Buffalo Wild Wings, Paul Ladwig and the great staff at Fresno State (and anyone else who may have participated), I simply say thank you for all you did for us!  You created an unforgettable memory that we will never forget.  I didn’t deserve to win, but you really do reap what you sow.  I don’t help other people, encourage them, try to cheer them up or whatever so I can get something back, but just to simply reflect God’s love for me.  I honestly feel like we got this lunch opportunity of a lifetime to hang around two guys who try and live their lives the same way.


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