Thursday, September 24, 2015

See You At The Top!

A few days ago we were at a local amusement park for an afternoon of fun with the kids.  My daughter told us that she wanted to climb the rock wall that is pictured above.  After insisting that she was too light, too short, to young and basically any other excuse I could muster, we relented and let her try.  She was tired from a long day at school and had never climbed before, so I figured she would struggle to pull herself off of the ground and would soon give up.  As you can see from the picture, she nearly made it to the top of the 32 foot wall!  A few days later she made another series of attempts and was able to ring the buzzer at the top of the wall!  I learned a few lessons that I thought I would share.

The first lesson is that we need to avoid making assumptions.  How often do we discourage our kids from even trying something we think they can't accomplish?  How many dreams have our assumptions killed?  I assumed my daughter didn't have the physical strength to make it to the top and almost prevented her from reaching a milestone in her young life.

The next lesson is that persistence pays off.  How many adventures have we missed out on by giving up too soon?  My daughter would have never reached the top had she given up and not repeatedly begged to try.  She would have never experienced the thrill of scaling a wall that is about ten times her size!

The third and final lesson is that we need to have faith in ourselves and in our God given abilities; even when nobody else believes.  How many times have we given up for lack of belief in ourselves?  In spite of my lack of faith in her, my daughter believed that she could climb that wall.  She stared the challenge in the face, ignored the obvious difficulty of the task and proved that she could do what only she believed she could do.

So, don't be a dream killer, keep pressing forward in spite of the naysayers, believe in yourself and we will see you at the top!

Thanks for reading!  Click this link to catch up on an old post that may encourage you if you think you are  insignificant:

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