Friday, October 26, 2012

Change Can Be Good!

We order the same thing off the menu, talk to the same people all the time, sit in the same seat at church, wear the same style of clothes...It is so easy to fall into the routine of doing the same thing over and over.  Life can become stale and mundane.  Our daily lives often begin to look like an endless NASCAR race-round and round and round.

I'm watching Madagascar 3 with Ethan, and part of the story line has a circus failing because the animals lost their passion. Marty, the main character convinces the other animals that they have to change, or they will fail.

When we fall in a rut, getting out and making the smallest change seems to be such an impossibility.  How hard does it seem to lose just five pounds, take one class at the community college, or just take a five minute walk around the block?  Yet if we dont change, we will fail.  Fail to live up to our full potential.  Fail to live longer.  Fail to impact others to our fullest potential.  Fail to live life to its fullest.  How often do we wait until we are fired from a job, faced with serious health issues, or faced with divorce papes to make changes in our lives?

So today, make one small change, then repeat the process tomorrow and so on.  What have you got to lose?  Perhaps you will become healthier, learn something new, make new friends, or reignite a passion that you once had.  Change can be very good indeed, but, if you decide that the change was not good, you can always change again, and go back to how you were living.  As I embark on the quest to make changes in my own life, I finish this thought with my favorite line in the movie,  "If I go down in flames, so be it...

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