Tuesday, October 8, 2013

The Fresno Fair Goes To Children's Hospital

Today I had the opportunity to participate in an awesome field trip!   We teamed up with some of the entertainers who perform at the fair and had them perform for the kids at the Children's Hospital Central California.  It was heart warming and heart wrenching at the same time.  Seeing the children's eyes light up and the smiles quickly form on their faces, made me temporarily forget about how tired my body felt after working six days at the fair.  

One girl in particular attracted my attention.  Her beautiful eyes, and a smile that could light up a room, could not hide the huge scar across the top of her shaved head.  I admit that I become emotional when it comes to kids who are sick or in pain, so I had to quickly compose myself, and resist the "daddy instincts" that made me want go over to her and give her a comforting hug.  The interesting thing is that, while I felt like hugging her to make her feel better, her cheerful disposition actually encouraged ME!  

I can only hope that we will continue what I hope is a new tradition. While once a year is not nearly enough, at the very least, once a year we can be reminded of how fortunate we are that our children are healthy and that we can indeed smile and laugh in the midst of our pain.

As for the little girl, I didn't go give her a hug, but I did make sure to hug each of my little ones tonight and thank God that they were going to sleep in their beds and not in a hospital bed.  As we left the hospital, someone mentioned that the little girl was going to go home today!  I ask anyone who reads this for a favor, please say a prayer for that little girl and every child that is in that hospital tonight.  If you have some extra cash, please consider donating to the hospital.  Maybe your contribution will help fund a needed piece of equipment or pay for research that may save a child's life.  

One final request, regardless of how messed up you feel your life is right now, take time out and go find something to smile and laugh about!

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