Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Sometime's You Have To Speak Up!

In today's world, a good argument could be made for staying quiet when you see something take place that is not right.  Getting involved could mean taking a bullet, being stabbed or otherwise injured.  Too often we stand by and just let things happen, for fear of retaliation.

The other day I was sitting in line behind a Chevy Tahoe while waiting to get gas at Costco.  I could not see around the vehicle, so I never saw the car in front of the Tahoe drive off.  I was next in line and there were a few cars behind me.  All of a sudden a car raced all the way up, passed everyone in line and pulled up to the pump in front of the Tahoe.  Soon the Tahoe left and I pulled up behind the driver.  I kept thinking to myself, "shut up", but even though I knew it probably wouldn't change anything, I decided to speak up.

I told the older "gentleman" that I was next in line and not in a big hurry, so it didn't bother me, but that his actions were a bit unfair to the other three occupants of the cars he crowded in front of.  I pointed out that perhaps they were in a hurry and he had just rudely crowded in front of everyone.  He responded with something to the effect of "well you all should have been paying attention."  I explained that the small car was hidden by the Tahoe and that we never saw it leave, but he responded with "well that is all your problem!"   I said to him,  "and we wonder why today's kids think it is OK to go around bullying people!"  He yelled something back, got in his car and drove off.  I didn't realize how many people had seen what he had done and their reactions made my actions seem somewhat heroic.  An older couple that he had crowded had pulled around to another pump right next to mine and thanked me for saying speaking up.

The whole scenario made me think a bit.  Why did that man have no fear to do what he did, but I initially feared speaking up?  Why is it that we will sit silently and watch people take advantage of others?    This was just a simple gas station situation, but how can we expect anyone to speak up for the real injustices in life if we ourselves are not willing to speak up for the little things.  While I don't suggest we go around causing fights by rudely challenging everyone who does something wrong in our eyes, but I simply think we need to think twice next time we decide to clam upon witnessing a case of injustice.  I'm no hero, just someone who hopes someone else will speak up if I ever find myself at the losing end of a situation that is not right.  Ultimately it is our choice, speak up and possibly provoke change, or stand quietly and let injustice rule.

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