Thursday, May 2, 2013

Why Do I Blog?

There are thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands of thousands of blogs on the Internet.  Everyone has their own specific reason for creating a blog, as did I.  As I hope you can tell, my purpose is to use everyday life situations, some my own, and some from observing others, to provoke thought, and more importantly, to hopefully bring a sense of encouragement to our lives that can sometimes be so chaotic.  

If you have read my posts, you know I occasionally make reference to faith, the Bible, or God.  While I have my own beliefs, and am not ashamed to share them, I understand and respect the fact that everyone does not share my views.  Perhaps some may think I should be more "preachy”.  Others may wish that I would refrain from making any reference to God. I would never intentionally offend anyone, I just type what I’m thinking or feeling and it comes out how it comes out.  I strive to be authentic and not be influenced by how others may, or may not want me to be.

Today, I started to write about a situation in which I experienced a degree of hurt, but eventually led to a more positive outcome.  I didn't publish it because I didn't want anyone familiar with the situation to get the impression I was sending a message to someone through my blog.  I will revisit that post in the near future, but for now, I decided to instead, post why I blog to reassure you that my agenda is not to take shots at anyone through this blog. 

I'm not writing to become famous, but if by some crazy miracle this blog were to become wildly popular, it would not in any way change my purpose.  I'm not trying to project a life that is perfect or better than anyone else's.  In fact, while I certainly don't want my personal business spread all over, sharing my mistakes, faults, fears, insecurities, weakness and other liabilities, along with my strengths and victories is something I may do if it can contribute to lighting up someone’s day, or just encourages one person.

So, there it is, the reason why I blog.  Feel free to share it with anyone who you feel would be encouraged by what you read.  The other day, someone asked if they could share a post on their social media page.  Tweet it, post it on Facebook, or share it on Google+, no need to request permission.  If you want to be notified when a new story is posted, you can subscribe by putting your email address on the main page of the blog and it will automatically email you.

Thanks for reading, I appreciate it and hope you are encouraged!!! 


Ps-If you can't even remember what your 2013 New Years Resolution was, it's not too late to get back on track! Read this:

Read this:;postID=539848335561122658;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=7;src=postname

1 comment:

  1. I for one enjoy reading the blogs. Take no offense and appreciate your thoughtful insight. Love to u and our beautiful wife! CC Pascoe
