Thursday, May 30, 2013

Go Ahead And Ask!

Two recent events led to the genesis of this thought.  Recently a young high school student, Jake Davidson, utilized YouTube to ask Sports Illustrated Swimsuit model Kate Upton to be his prom date.  While she ultimately turned down his invitation, another swimsuit model, Nina Agdal stepped up and attended the prom with him!  In another bold move, local (Fresno) basketball star, turned NBA professional, Quincy Pondexter began a series of tweets that culminated with him asking Chandler Lawson, Ms. Tennessee out on a date!  She accepted the invitation!

This made me think of all the times fear, of being rejected kept me from asking for certain things.  I'm sure I'm not the only one who lost out on a promotion, a raise, a great opportunity, the chance to drive someone's exotic car, or maybe even a date with an individual that was “out of our league”.  Sometimes fear of rejection, low self-esteem, or other issues prevent us from stepping out and asking for what we want in life.  I was reminded of a very simple, yet profound Bible principle that says, "You do not have because you do not ask" (James 4:3).  While I have taken the verse slightly out of its context, the principal still applies.  While I'm sure the scripture is not referring specifically to asking someone out on a date, or to accompany you to the prom, the fact remains, in most cases, you must ask if you want something!

 So, instead of continuing on in life frustrated about "what could have been", or "if only" stop waiting for things to happen and begin to ask for what you want!  Ask the girl out!  Ask for the raise!  Ask her to marry you! Fill in the blank with your own specific situation and go for it.  Don't forever wonder, "What if?”, go ahead and ask!  Jake Davidson got rejected by a supermodel, but still went to the prom with another supermodel!  Quincy Pondexter risked public reject, sent a tweet, and got a date with Miss Tennessee!  At the end of the day, you may end up getting rejected, like Jake did, but end up with an equally great opportunity.  Perhaps you will get an immediate "Yes!" like Quincy Pondexter did and life will be good.  Even if you are flat out rejected and you don't get what it is you wanted, then perhaps it was not meant to be and your answer is somewhere else down the road.  In the meantime, face your fear of rejection, and "Go Ahead and Ask!"  

Thanks for reading, and as always, feel free to share this with anyone you wish!  Need to make a change in your life? Read this:


  1. Great, well written article! This has opened my eyes to some of my flaws and for now on, I'm going to live by the motto "Go ahead and ask"

  2. Glad it helped! Thanks for reading and commenting!
