Monday, December 30, 2013

It's Time To Sweep It Away!

Earlier today, a distant cousin of mine tweeted the following: "Jan 1 is just another day... Not like everyone magically becomes a better person with a fresh start."  It is interesting because I have often thought the same basic thing.  Why is it that we wait for the New Year to make changes in our lives?  What makes us think that January 1 will be any different than December 31st or any other day for that matter?  As I was walking through the house, I saw a dustpan and broom in the laundry room and it made me think about something. 

Everyone is looking forward to making change in 2014, but if we are going to make changes in our lives, why not start with the twenty seven hours we have left in this year?  Obviously a broom and dustpan are used to sweep and remove debris that has accumulated on the floor or ground.  It occurred to me that just like we sometimes have to sweep away dirt and dust that has gathered on the floor, we also need to take time to sweep away some stuff that has cluttered our lives. 

So, my point is very simple, we can go into 2014 the same way we were in 2013, or we can stop and make some adjustments right now.  For some of us, we can sweep up the debris we left behind from unwise decisions and begin taking responsibility for our actions.  Perhaps we sweep away some of the negative influences in our lives that have turned us into "negative Nellie's".  Some of us can sweep away the dust of pain and bad feelings that gathered when people hurt us or did us wrong.  Sweep away frivolous spending, unhealthy habits, self doubt, unhealthy friendships and any other trace of anything hurtful that we have allowed to gather in our lives.  Some of need to clean up a closet, the garage or that old cassette tape collection we have from the 1980's! 

So quickly, take stock of your life and decide what areas need attention.  Then get out your broom and dustpan and start sweeping!  Hurry, there are just over twenty six and a half hours left to clean up before 2014!

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