Thursday, January 2, 2014

Happy New Day!

It is day two of the New Year!  The "Happy New Year" greetings are starting to fade and the reality of a new year is setting in.  Perhaps some have already blown their New Year's resolution or just given up on the unrealistic goal they set for themselves.  Others suffered loss or a personal tragedy that has already put a damper on the New Year.  For some, the year is already shot, for others, the year will be classified as a failure within weeks, or perhaps a few months and they will begin longing for a fresh start in 2015. 

I believe that we are probably all guilty of turning a five minute negative situation into a bad day.  We are quick to call two bad days at work a bad week.  Down for a week with an illness and our month is shot.  Go through a couple of rough months and we have ourselves a bad year!  Psalms 118:24 (New International Version) says, This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.  The focus is on today and today only!  When you begin to focus on, and appreciate each individual day, you will realize that one day cannot ruin the next day, the week, the month, the year or our life!  We have 365 opportunities to have a great day.  Even if ten percent of those days are the worse days of our lives, we still have 328 and a half more days that can be good or even great!

So, go ahead and focus on the year as a whole.  You will either have a good year or a bad year.  My advice is to strive to have a Happy New Day 365 times.  If you are up for a challenge, I suggest ending every good day by writing "Good Day" on a calendar.  I suspect at the end of each week, month and at the end of 2014, you will find that your good days truly outweighed your bad days!

So all there is left to say is:  Thanks for reading and Happy New Day!

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