Saturday, January 26, 2013

Don't Let Fear Paralyze You!

It seems to me that one of the greatest obstacles in our lives is one simple four letter word; fear! It has been said that we are born with only two fears, the fear of falling, and the fear of loud noises. If that is true, then we must conclude that every other fear is a "learned" fear.

Remember when we wouldnt hesistate to lift our hand and ask a question in school? Now we hesistate to ask a question for fear of appearing weak!  Remember when we would make friends so easily in school, and now we have a hard time speaking to a stranger in the elevator?

Fear is a funny thing. It seems that the older we get, the more fear we have in our lives. Fear of failing, fear of not having enough money, on and on our fears go.  I'm reminded of a Bible verse. Whether you believe in the Bible or not, this could apply to your life in one way or another. 1 Peter 5: 8 says, " Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour." We all have enemies in our lives. We all have people who want to destroy our lives, or see us fail at the very least. How we react to these enemies can be the diference between sucess or failure. It is well known that in the animal kingdom, a lion simply needs to roar and fear will spread amongst the weaker species. The lion does not have to be near them, or even pose an immediate threat for them to feel fear.

So, who or what are the enemies that are striking fear in your life? Are you allowing the loud roar of a naysayer, a hater, a critic, or a flat out enemy to plant fear in your life? Is fear keeping you from starting a new business, accepting a new position, getting married, or leaving an abusive relationship? How many more opportunities will pass you by before you stop letting fear paralyze you?

Today, you can stand up to fear, stand up to those critics and naysayers and, as Nike so plainly put it, "Just Do it"! Go start the business, pack up and move to the city you have longed to move to. Go skydive. Go do whatever it is that "they" said you couldnt do! Don't let fear paralyze you and stop you from acheiving greatness, and becoming who you were created to be!

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