Tuesday, January 8, 2013

New Years Resolutions Gone Bad!

Happy New Year!  So, a whole week has gone by in the year 2013.  Usually by this time, the resolutions I have made have long been broken, revised, or not even started.  This year I decided to do things a bit differently.  Too often I would focus on all the different areas of my life that I needed to improve on, and would resolve to improve all of them.  It hasn't worked before, so I was pretty sure 2013 would be no different.

So, this year, I resolved to just focus on two things:

1. Work on little things that are easy to do and don't require much work.  Simple things like making my desk look clean at the end of the night, even if the pile I put it all in is a mess!  Not leaving junk in the car  is another easy thing that takes little work, but if not done, can lead to a car that slightly resembles a swap meet.

2.  I decided to focus on my weight for the entire year of 2013.  I'm going to walk/run/bike when I can.  Instead of a soda, maybe grab a water once in awhile. I have already started doing some squats and pushups.  I may even just order a single instead of a Double Double at In-Out.  Ok, who am I kidding?

I wont ignore the other areas of my life that need improvement, but I will focus on my weight and try and put most of my energy towards that.  It may not work, but if it does, I'm sure I will feel better, look better, and will be healthier than I am right now.

Care to join me?  Just try and find something in your life that needs to be fixed and lets give it a shot!  After all, while I hope we succeed, if we don't, we can always try again in January of 2014!


  1. I think I''ll work on cleaning up my email more often...then maybe I''ll see posts when they come in and not two weeks later! Hope 2013 is going great and wish you well on the small step resolutions. Cyndi P

  2. Thats a great idea Cyndi! Happy New Year and thanks for reading!
