Saturday, July 13, 2013

I'm Sad

The Trayvon Martin verdict has been announced, and the results have left me sad. I'm sad because tragically, regardless of the circumstances, a seventeen year old kid is dead. I'm sad because his parents are left without their son. 

I'm sad because George Zimmerman's life will no longer be the same. I'm sad because if he truly was guilty, he got away with murder-at least in this life. I'm sad because if he was truly defending himself, he has to suffer with the memory of taking someone's life, and he has to live with those who feel he is guilty. I'm sad because if the individuals who are calling for his life are successful, he will soon be dead. 

I'm sad because the jurors lives are probably in danger as well. I'm sad because the lone African American woman on the jury will have to forever justify her "not guilty" verdict. 

I'm sad because this whole case, partially driven by politics, partly by people stirring it up and partly to our propensity to depend on the media for "the whole truth", has now driven a further wedge between races. I'm sad because we still have racism issues in this country-and it is not an issue that is perpetuated by just one race. . 

I'm sad because many individuals who identify themselves as Christians, as do I, are joining the fanning of the flames. It's my opinion that we should be trying to put the fire out with love, not stoking the fire with irresponsible posts on Facebook, Twitter and other social media.  Instead of praying for Zimmerman's protection, many are hoping he gets "what he deserves". Jesus said to "love your enemies"!

Most if all, I'm sad because it seems that we have forgotten who we say we trust in. We seem shocked that the world system is so messed up, but in most cases, our response to tragedies like this is to cry for justice (revenge?) with our voices, but we do nothing to try and heal the world we were placed in to impact, and in fact, some of us (christians) may be making matters worse!  

What if we logged off the tv and social media for a minute, took a deep breath, and prayed? Pray for our country, pray for our judicial system, pray for the family of Trayvon Martin, prayed for George Zimmerman, his family, and their safety. Most of all, lets pray for ourselves. Let pray that we would contribute peace and hope to this messed up world, instead of "preaching" a message of love, hope, and trust in God, but acting in a way that screams otherwise.

As always, thanks for reading!


  1. I'm with you on this. The whole situation envokes sadness any way you look at it. Cyndi P.
