Sunday, July 7, 2013

If I Had A Ton of Money...

Have you ever thought, "I wish I was rich"?  Of course I have, and my suspicion is that almost everyone reading this has too.  Everyone has their reasons for having the desire to be financially wealthy. After volunteering at the "Extreme Home Makeover" project here in Fresno, back in 2009, I found myself wishing I had a lot of money to help out as many people as possible.  Perhaps we would not be able to do an extreme makeover on someones house, but just replacing someones worn out water heater, or broken dyer would certainly be a help to someone who is struggling financially.

The very simple fact is, I'm not financially wealthy, and in all honesty, over the past 10 years or so, we have had our own financial struggles.  I came to realize that I do not need to be rich to be a help to someone.  While it would be nice to be able to help thousands of people, that is simply not possible right now.  So, I will just try and help who I can on a small scale. 

This is a short blog this time, but I just wanted to challenge anyone who reads this to think.  Many times we want to help everyone, but do not have the time, energy or resources to assist on a large scale.  What if we just took a look at our extra cash, clothing, food etc., and used that to help someone who is not as well off as we are.  We may not be able to change the entire world, but perhaps our small contribution can change one persons world. 

So today, be thankful for everything you have, and take a look around to see whose life you may be able to bless by reaching out and giving them a helping hand.  If I had a ton of money, I would gladly help out as many people as I could, but for now, I will continue to find small opportunities to help one individual, or one family.  If we all did the same, perhaps together we could really make a large scale impact.

As always, thanks for reading!

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