Sunday, June 23, 2013

What Happened to Respect?

Watching the NBA finals was pure entertainment for me.  The Lakers had already been unceremoniously dismissed from the playoffs, so my interest in the final series was somewhat limited.  The two teams battled back and forth over the course of six games, but mistakes at the most critical points, and cost San Antonio the game, forcing a seventh and final game.  I found myself rooting for the "lesser of two evils" in my mind; San Antonio.  Back and forth these two teams battled, until just a few seconds remained in the game and Miami was headed to their second NBA Championship in a row.

Something interesting took place as time ran out and the game came to its conclusion.  Instead of a wild celebration breaking out by the winning team, the Miami Heat, led by Lebron James and Dwayne Wade headed towards the members of the San Antonio Spurs and began to embrace their defeated opponents!  The respect between the players and coaches of these two teams was evident by the embraces and the complimentary remarks made at the post game interviews and press conferences.  All of the pushing, shoving and trash talking gave way to an impressive display of respect and admiration between two opponents. 

Immediately I wondered and then Tweeted: "Imagine if people with different views on religion and politics, treated each other like these two teams just treated each other. Respect!"  Our society has become so combative and disrespectful.  For the most part, gone are the days of "agreeing to disagree."  Now we disagree and resort to name calling, threats and personal attacks.  While it is disheartening to see this take place in politics and in discussions on social issues, it is especially discouraging to see church organizations or denominations behaving in the same fashion.  Someone disagrees on a theological issue, and the other side is damning everyone who disagrees to hell.  We need to reverse this dangerous course of action, and it all starts with me.  We are all probably guilty of stepping out of line from time to time, but we can’t expect the political or religious communities to change if we are not willing to change ourselves.

Ultimately, we must learn to look past the disagreements, ignorance and in some cases hatred, and recognize that there is an individual who was created by God on the other side of the debate.  Some will call it "pie in the sky", but imagine if conservatives and liberals could debate the issues in a civil manner, find common ground, agree to disagree on the areas they differ on, but then go out and have lunch together when it’s all over.  Imagine if church groups would stop segregating themselves over petty issues and unite on the things they have in common.  How powerful could the force behind the unity be?  Imagine if the homosexual and the heterosexual would stop the name calling, and engage in discussions that could help each side to understand each other a little bit better.

Let's be honest, in most cases, nobody's mind is going to change about any of the above mentioned issues, nor am I suggesting that either side  has to give up on their convictions or beliefs. I am simply saying, let’s stop all the name calling and the rhetoric and be polite enough to listen to each other, unite on what we agree upon, then take a step back, take a deep breath and just show a little respect for those who disagree with. 

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