Saturday, June 8, 2013

It's June, In Fresno! Of Course It's Hot!!

It is 2:51 pm as I type this post.  The mercury has already hit 104 degrees; well on the way to the expected 110 degrees that has been forecast for today. It is very hot, but this is a typical Fresno summer.  The social media scene has heated up significantly with posts about how hot it is, or how unbearable the heat is.  Of course this made me think...

This is Fresno, home of hot summers.  While it may not be the best place to live, it is certainly not the worse.  Problem is, when it's hot, we complain that it is too hot.  When winter rolls around, we complain that it is too cold.  I am happy to announce my solution!  Move somewhere else!  You see we love to complain about stuff, but very few people have the courage to do anything about it.

This post is really not about Fresno, but about our tendency to complain about stuff, but our unwillingness to do anything about it.  Chuck Swindoll put it this way, "“We cannot change our past... we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude. I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it. And so it is with you... we are in charge of our Attitudes.”

So often we lament the things that are wrong in life, but in reality, it is what it is, and how we react to the circumstance often determines whether we are miserable in 110 degree weather, or just extremely uncomfortable in the same conditions.  Far too often we complain about political decisions, but we make excuses that "it doesn't matter" and fail to vote in the elections.  We complain that there is nothing to do in our city, but then we stay home and watch television instead of supporting a touring show, local business or restaurant.  We complain about how hot and boring Fresno is, but most of us don't have the courage to actually sell our possessions, uproot our lives and move to that utopia that is awaiting us somewhere else!

So bottom line is this, we have a couple of choices.  We can sit around pointing out everything that is wrong, or we can rise off our posteriors and do something to fix what is "wrong".  It IS hot today, but pointing it out on Twitter or Facebook didn't lower the temperature one single degree!  Go to the coast, stay indoors and watch a movie, or go to the mall or a water park.  Do something, but stop complaining!  It is 3:20 pm and it is now 106 degrees with 20% humidity, so it feels like 107 degrees, but why are you shocked?  After all, it is June; we are in Fresno, so of course it’s hot! Thank God we have a pool, so it is time to go swimming!

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Think every day doesn't matter?  Read this:

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