Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Trusting God When You Don't Feel Good

It is easy to say we trust God when things are all good, but what about when they are not?  Can we trust God during financial crisis, marital issues, or health issues?  It is easy to blog about trust, or put cute postings and sayings on Facebook and Twitter, but what happens when the doctor comes back with a report with news that is not good?

I have not felt well physically for about 3 years, but I attributed most of my feeling tired and worn down to my busy schedule.  The demands of being a husband and dad, employee, small business owner, minister, friend etc. can wear you down a bit, but the tired never seemed to go away.  I finally saw a doctor and was told that I have Hypothyroidism, which basically means my thyroid is not functioning properly.  I won’t bore you with all the details, but the list of symptoms that I have are right in line with all the side effects of this disease/disorder.  It is a very common condition that in most cases is treatable and fairly easy to deal with.  I started a thirty day prescription of steroids that will hopefully control things and make me feel "normal" again.  If that is not effective, then we will cross that bridge when we get there.

So why blog about this?  I want to make it clear that this is not written to garner sympathy.  First off, I believe in the power of prayer, so it is a request for prayer.  I don't particularly want to take medication for the rest of my life, so it is going to take a healing to avoid that.  Secondly it is a request for anyone who is dealing with this for help.  Any suggestions, tips or other information you can offer me is welcome.  Your ability to deal with this could be an encouragement to me when I’m having trouble trusting.  Finally, it is a reminder that there are some things we can control with our health, but there are other things we cannot.  We should go to the doctor when we don't feel good, and try to eat better and exercise.  It is with the things that we cannot control that we have the choice, to trust God or to not trust.

I've said it before and I will repeat it now, "God is good when I'm healthy and He is equally good when I'm not!”  Now it is time to put my faith in action and keep on trusting Him. I trusted Him when I felt good, so now it's time to keep trusting Him even though I don't feel good.

Thanks for reading, go see your doctor and keep on trusting...

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Lessons From Watching Wrestling!

Saturday my son wrestled in the district championships for his school district. He has only wrestled for two seasons, but he finished fourth in his weight class, so I'm obviously proud of him!  As I watched, I noticed four basic outcomes that repeated themselves thru out the day.  It occurred to me that they resembled scenarios we often face in life.

The first example is when one wrestler thoroughly dominated the other and pins his or her (yes there were plenty of girls participating) opponent.  It reminded me that in life, there are certain tasks or positive habits that we have mastered and we are easily able to maneuver ourselves through those areas in life.  Some people work out without fail and don't have to think twice about whether to exercise or not.  It has become such a habit that they feel incomplete if they do not work out. 

The next example is when you are on the losing end of the domination.  You get tossed all over the mat and eventually lose by a large point disadvantage, or you get pinned by the opponent.  It reminded me that there are bad habits or other situation; some created by our own actions, that seem to just hover over our lives and won’t go away.  It seems there is no use in fighting because the opposition is so strong.  It is here where we can do the easy thing and quit, or we can try to figure out why we feel so powerless, identify our weaknesses that are preventing us from overcoming, focus on strengthening our weak points and look to God to handle what we can’t.  Take the easy way out and we will constantly find ourselves battling and losing to the same opponent every time.

The last two examples involve the back and forth battles between two equal opponents.  They wrestle back and forth, each of them scoring points as they try to out maneuver each other.  While both are comparable athletes, it is either a mistake by one wrestler, or a successful move by the other that often determines the outcome.  This reminded me that in life, we win some and we lose some.  We do the right thing and our efforts are rewarded.  Sometimes we make mistakes and suffer the consequences as a result.  We struggle against old bad habits and sometimes we succumb to temptation.  The upside is that we are struggling now and are sometimes victorious, whereas before we were dominated by the habit or temptation and didn't even bother fighting it.  We have grown to the point where we realize that when we win, we must stay humble, because we are human and a setback may be around the corner.  Perhaps more importantly, we realize that our setbacks do not need to be permanent, so we rise again knowing we have a chance to redeem ourselves next time.

I suspect there are areas in our lives that fit each of the examples I listed.  Take some time and do a little self analysis. Be conscience of what allowed you to achieve victory so you can keep dominating those areas of life.  Strengthen your weak points so you can reach a level where you can fight back against your struggles.  Finally, whatever you do, don't give up when you stumble or fail!  Keep getting back up after every defeat, because in the game of life, just getting back up can be a victory in itself!

Thanks for reading!  If you want something else to read, click here for my last post!  Go Fix It

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Go Fix It!

If we step away from the hustle and bustle of our busy lives and look around, we will see that there things all around us that are in need of fixing.  From the graffiti on the wall, to the kid at your children's school who has no jacket in the middle of the winter, to the elderly lady next door whose fence is in disrepair, the opportunities to love our neighbors and to let God's love shine in the world are endless.

Have ever see a situation and wondered, "Why doesn't someone do something about it?"? We wait for government to find a solution, but our government representatives seem to be more concerned about their own pet projects, or their future political aspirations.  We look to churches to assist, but many church organizations are too busy trying to increase membership to focus on truly ministering to the needs of our communities.  But who is the government?  Who are the members of the church?  I thought it was "we the people" and in the church, I thought that "we are the body of Christ"!

I would like to issue the challenge to anyone who took the time to read this.  Next time you see a need, don't wait for government to come up with a new program, YOU be the program that provides a solution.  Next time there is a person who needs a helping hand, BE Jesus’ representative and minister to their need yourself.  We can cry and complain that "someone ought to do something", or worse yet, see a need and act like we didn't notice, or we can call a few friends, roll up our sleeves and go fix it.

To fix it or not to fix it, the choice is yours!