Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Trusting God When You Don't Feel Good

It is easy to say we trust God when things are all good, but what about when they are not?  Can we trust God during financial crisis, marital issues, or health issues?  It is easy to blog about trust, or put cute postings and sayings on Facebook and Twitter, but what happens when the doctor comes back with a report with news that is not good?

I have not felt well physically for about 3 years, but I attributed most of my feeling tired and worn down to my busy schedule.  The demands of being a husband and dad, employee, small business owner, minister, friend etc. can wear you down a bit, but the tired never seemed to go away.  I finally saw a doctor and was told that I have Hypothyroidism, which basically means my thyroid is not functioning properly.  I won’t bore you with all the details, but the list of symptoms that I have are right in line with all the side effects of this disease/disorder.  It is a very common condition that in most cases is treatable and fairly easy to deal with.  I started a thirty day prescription of steroids that will hopefully control things and make me feel "normal" again.  If that is not effective, then we will cross that bridge when we get there.

So why blog about this?  I want to make it clear that this is not written to garner sympathy.  First off, I believe in the power of prayer, so it is a request for prayer.  I don't particularly want to take medication for the rest of my life, so it is going to take a healing to avoid that.  Secondly it is a request for anyone who is dealing with this for help.  Any suggestions, tips or other information you can offer me is welcome.  Your ability to deal with this could be an encouragement to me when I’m having trouble trusting.  Finally, it is a reminder that there are some things we can control with our health, but there are other things we cannot.  We should go to the doctor when we don't feel good, and try to eat better and exercise.  It is with the things that we cannot control that we have the choice, to trust God or to not trust.

I've said it before and I will repeat it now, "God is good when I'm healthy and He is equally good when I'm not!”  Now it is time to put my faith in action and keep on trusting Him. I trusted Him when I felt good, so now it's time to keep trusting Him even though I don't feel good.

Thanks for reading, go see your doctor and keep on trusting...

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