Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Go Fix It!

If we step away from the hustle and bustle of our busy lives and look around, we will see that there things all around us that are in need of fixing.  From the graffiti on the wall, to the kid at your children's school who has no jacket in the middle of the winter, to the elderly lady next door whose fence is in disrepair, the opportunities to love our neighbors and to let God's love shine in the world are endless.

Have ever see a situation and wondered, "Why doesn't someone do something about it?"? We wait for government to find a solution, but our government representatives seem to be more concerned about their own pet projects, or their future political aspirations.  We look to churches to assist, but many church organizations are too busy trying to increase membership to focus on truly ministering to the needs of our communities.  But who is the government?  Who are the members of the church?  I thought it was "we the people" and in the church, I thought that "we are the body of Christ"!

I would like to issue the challenge to anyone who took the time to read this.  Next time you see a need, don't wait for government to come up with a new program, YOU be the program that provides a solution.  Next time there is a person who needs a helping hand, BE Jesus’ representative and minister to their need yourself.  We can cry and complain that "someone ought to do something", or worse yet, see a need and act like we didn't notice, or we can call a few friends, roll up our sleeves and go fix it.

To fix it or not to fix it, the choice is yours! 

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