Sunday, November 11, 2012

Lessons From Phil Jackson And The Lakers

As I get older, I sometimes feel disappointment about opportunities that have seemingly passed me by.  Immature decisions, lack of focus or discipline, unclear goals or a myriad of other reasons can be pointed to as the reason for failure.  When I consider going back and trying to accomplish some of those goals, inevitably, excuses such as age, lack of finances or time begin to cross my mind.  The recent events in the NBA made me think about age, unfinished business, and changes that I can make in my life.

The terrible start to this years season sent panic through the hearts of Los Angeles Lakers fans.  All these great players on one team, but only one win in five tries is hardly acceptable by Lakers standards.  And so, just five games into the season, the Lakers fired their 42 year old coach, Mike Brown.  It was just a matter of minutes before the names of potential replacements began to hit the rumor mill.  One name immediately shot to the top of the list, 67 year old Phil Jackson.  In a day and age where most people his age are retired and moving on with life, this is a wanted man!

This whole scenario made me realize three things:

1.  We have to become proficient in certain areas of our lives.  Phil Jackson is a basketball genius.  He played the game and after retiring as a player, somehow figured out how to bring giant egos together to win championships.  Often, we stop short of our potential because, while we may have talent, we dont develop the skills required to excel. There are aspects of our lives we can improve.  We can master subjects critical to us becoming more efficient and effective in our jobs.  We can master a talent such as playing a musical instrument or the game of golf.  When we become experts, we become valuable, and in some cases, a necessary commodity.  That's why the Lakers are after a man who is 25 years older than the coach they just fired!

2. In most cases, age does not matter.  It is rumored that because of age, Phil Jackson will have a modified travel schedule, and would not travel to every game with the team.  Certainly our bodies can put limitations on what we may be able to accomplish, but that is just one part of the equation.  It is not too late to go back to school and finish that degree.  It is not too late to get back into physical shape.  It is not too late to learn a new language, make some new friends, start a business, or change career paths.  Certainly there are challenges, but what fun is life with no challenge?  What one thing have you not accomplished because you are "too old"?  Go do it!

3.  Finish the unfinished business.  Phil Jackson has won 11 NBA titles as a coach!  At the beginning of the 2010-2011 season, he announced that it would be his final season coaching.  The Dallas Mavericks swept the Lakers out of the playoffs in four straight games, thus ending the Lakers season ended in disappointing fashion.  I have to believe that in Jackson's mind, his coaching career did not end the way he wanted, and that may be the itch that could ultimately drive him back into the game.  What unfinished business do you have in your life?  What project did you start, but didn't finish?  What important relationship went bad, but you never took the time to try and repair it?  What is it that just nags at you, pleading with you to go finish what you started? 

The good news is, if you are reading this, you are alive, and still have time!  If we look hard enough, we can find plenty of excuses as to why we cant do it.  Today, just find one reason why you can and go for it.  What do you have to lose?

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