Sunday, November 18, 2012

Where Is Your "Happiest Place On Earth"?

We just returned from a family getaway at Disneyland.  We all had a great time-especially the kids!  Disneyland is known for being "The happiest place on earth" and for good reason, once you set foot inside, you become a child again, amazed at the wonder of it all. 

This was the first time I had ever been to Disneyland for more than one day.  Three days of walking around allowed me the opportunity to take part in one of my favorite activities, people watching!  I saw laughing children, looks of amazement, and lots of people just having a good time.  I also saw plenty of crying kids, frustrated and tired after being in the park all day long, couples arguing over who knows what, parents scolding their children for misbehaving, and lots of other stressful activity.

Seeing all the drama taking place in "the happiest place on earth" made me think of a Bible verse I have read.  A portion of Philippians 4:12 reads, "I’ve learned by now to be quite content whatever my circumstances".  While it is a Biblical principal, you don't need to believe in God, or in the Bible to use its message in your life.  I thought of how far too often, our circumstances dictate how we feel.   If it is rainy, some feel gloomy.  Bring out the sun and the mood instantly changes.  I realized that you can be walking through the "happiest place on earth", and be completely miserable!  I was reminded of the importance of being content, regardless of my current situation.  Depending on our mindset, we can be miserable living in a kings palace, and quite happy living in the "bad part of town".  Wealth can not cure depression, and poverty need not keep one from being happy. We can be grateful for life while our body is being torn apart by cancer, and an angry individual with a completely healthy body. 

So I invite you to join me, regardless of your circumstances, in striving to have the happiest place on earth be wherever it is that currently find yourself in life.  I love Disneyland, but it no longer needs to be the only "Happiest Place On Earth"!

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