Sunday, November 4, 2012

Who Can I Help?

Unless you don't pay attention to the news, you are well aware that the eastern portion of our nation was hit by hurricane Sandy, leaving cities underwater, thousands without electricity, and worse yet, many Americans instantly became homeless.  With all of our flaws, our political divisions, racial tensions and other "warts", America is a country that comes together and helps each other when disaster strikes.  It did not take long for hot lines to be set up to collect cash for victims of this disaster.  The Red Cross began to mobilize and recruit volunteers to assist.  PG&E sent some of their employees to assist the efforts to restore power in the New York area.  From government agencies, to corporations, churches and other non profits organizations, everyone is pitching in to help out those who so desperately need it.

As I thought about all the good will being spread around, a question crossed my mind.  While we are great at coming together, and lending a helping hand in times of disaster,  what about taking care of the needs of others who are struggling on a day to day basis?  This is not a Republican or Democrat issue, it is an issue of humans needing each other.  The police cant always be around to catch the thieves who are breaking into our cars and homes to steal our valuables, but we can begin to look out for suspicious activity in our neighborhoods, thus helping our neighbors.  We don't individually have the resources to assist everyone who genuinely needs financial help, but if we stop being so self centered, maybe we would take notice that co worker, neighbor, or church member who is struggling to make ends meet, and lend them a helping hand.  We see the elderly individual whose strength has betrayed them, and to add insult to injury, cant afford a gardener to mow their lawn.  Take an extra twenty minutes and cut their lawn.  So many needs, and so few people looking to fill those needs.

So, my idea is simple, lets keep coming together as a nation when our help is needed, but lets also, stop for a moment, each and every day and find ways that we can assist those individuals that I believe God puts in our path for us to help.  Today it is us helping our neighbor, tomorrow, it may be our neighbor helping us.