Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Don't Judge A Book By Its Cover

Unless you don’t watch football, you are well aware that last Sunday the Seattle Seahawks beat my beloved San Francisco 49'ers and knocked them out of the playoffs.  The game was put away when Richard Sherman made a very nice defensive play to bat away a potential touchdown pass.  If you watched the post game interviews, you saw Sherman being interviewed by Erin Andrews immediately following the game.  The emotional, passionate response from Sherman drew widespread criticism, and created a firestorm of judgment and led to many racist remarks being aimed at him. Many were quick to call him a thug.  I admit that when I saw the interview I was somewhat taken back and began to form an opinion of him.  This has turned into a perfect example of the old phrase, “never judge a book by its cover” as I learned more about Richard Sherman.
I took a little time to investigate, and it didn’t take long to realize that the Richard Sherman you saw in that interview is not the REAL Richard Sherman.  First of all, the guy had just made a spectacular play that in effect, assured his team would play in the Super Bowl.  Second of all, most football fans realize that there is no love lost between the Seahawks and the 49'ers.  We can argue the appropriateness of his comments all day, but he is NOT a thug, and in fact, is a very talented, opinionated, intelligent individual who in my opinion is more of an asset than a liability in society. The guy is loud, egotistical and brash, but he isn't beating anyone up, being arrested for murder, rape or other heinous crimes that others are guilty of. I believe we should cut him some slack instead of having the nationwide knee jerk reaction that has taken place.

Perhaps we don't understand Richard Sherman because we didn't grow up in Compton, CA, a city with its share of crime and gang activity.  Perhaps we don't understand him because most of us didn't graduate second in our high school class.  Perhaps we don't understand him because we never attended Stanford University; much less graduate with honors and then return to start working on a masters degree.  Perhaps we don't understand him because we have never made a game saving play in a playoff game, or even set foot on an NFL field, then have a microphone shoved into your face and asked a question about how you did your job.  Perhaps we don't understand him because we aren't millionaires with a charity called "Blanket Coverage" that provides inner city kids with the tools to succeed when the odds are stacked against them.  But most of all, perhaps we don't understand Richard Sherman because we don’t personally know him, because before we knew all the facts I just mentioned, all we really about him came from a thirty second sound bite on the television. 

My point is simple; I’m not trying to defend him in any way, if you must pass judgment on people, make sure you know their whole story.  Before you condemn someone stepping out of line, make sure you realize that there is more to that person than an emotional outburst or public misstep.  Don't wait until YOU find yourself trying to explain yourself to people who are judging and condemning you despite not having a clue who you really are!  It is much easier to pass judgment than it is to take the time to really find out who someone is.  I hope you will take the harder road and don’t judge the book by its cover.

Ps.  I really hope that Richard Sherman gets absolutely burned by a wide receiver for the winning touchdown in this Super Bowl.  It will be a fitting payback for all of us 49'er fans.  Then after his contract is up, I hope he brings his talents and skills to the Niner's for a few years!

Thanks for reading!

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