Thursday, January 30, 2014

Don't Use A Hammer When a Flyswatter Will Do!

I once witnessed a scenario where in my opinion; one party strongly overreacted to the circumstances of that particular situation.  All the facts had not yet been determined, but judgment was passed regardless, and in quite a harsh manner. I feel it could have been effectively handled in another fashion, but we all choose how we react to the situations that we face.  

It is absurd to think that grabbing a hammer to swing at a pesky fly is an appropriate choice. Think of the damage that would be caused by hitting a valuable vase, a porcelain doll, a wood table or a painted wall, or someone's face with a hammer, instead of grabbing a newspaper or Flyswatter and taking care of the fly that way. You may not think so, but we all are probably guilty of bringing a hammer into a situation where a Flyswatter will do.

Sometimes we are quick to use our power to intimidate someone who is weaker instead of offering them the tools to build up their strength. Sometimes we jump to conclusions and judge people based on limited, or even no actual facts.  Some religious organizations are quick to excommunicate individuals who make mistakes instead of lovingly restoring them. Some are quick to disown family members or friends who fail to live up to expectations.  We get angry too quickly and react without thinking. We assume things and say things we later regret.  

The reality is just as if we were to use a literal hammer to kill a fly; we run the risk of causing considerable physical damage.  Likewise, when we grab the hammer of overreaction instead of the Flyswatter, we cause collateral damage to people's self esteem, we destroy relationships and sometimes cause harm that takes years to reverse, or worse yet, causes permanent damage. Obviously we all lose it from time to time and overreact, but my point today is quite simple; take a step back, don't be so quick to react and for goodness sake, don't use a hammer when a flyswatter will do!  

Ps. One of my pet peeves is people who post things as if they were their own idea when it really is not.  There is a Chinese Proverb that says: "Never use a hatchet to remove a fly from a friends forehead".  My title and illustration is was borrowed from that quote... 

Thanks for reading!  If you want to read a little more, read my first ever blog that deals with making change!

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