Monday, January 27, 2014

There's No Sense In Worrying!

Someone once said, "99% of the things you worry about never happen!"  Bobby McFerrin sang the lyrics, "Don’t worry, be happy!"  Jesus said in Matthew 6:25, "Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life..."  For some reason when life goes sideways, our immediate instinct is to worry!

I was recently reminded when a situation arose that was a bit negative.  Then another unexpected blow hit me, catching me totally off guard.  The result was an immediate sense of worry.  Why do we worry?  I'm convinced that it is due to a lack of trust; in my case, a lack of trust in God.  It is easy to say we trust in God, but it seems much easier to worry about the problem we are facing instead of just trusting.

Sometimes God wants to get our attention and remind us where our strength comes from.  Sometimes God is trying to move us in a different direction, so a problem arises that begins to nudge you down the path He wants you to go. Other times He is simply trying to teach us to not worry, but to trust in him regardless of what we are facing.

So it is time to put my money where my mouth is.  Take responsibility for what I'm responsible for, and then let God handle the rest.  Whether it is a medical situation, financial, health or otherwise, there are steps we can usually take to improve things.  It is up to God to handle everything else that is beyond our ability to fix. 

So tonight, there's no sense in worrying, so fix what you can, trust God to take care of the rest and get the best night of sleep you have had in a long time!

Thanks for reading!

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